We have 4 outstanding young men in our small ward in Liberty, Texas that have been called to serve a mission. It will be fun to have our ward family follow their experiences through this blog. Elder Clegg left July 20,2011 for the Idaho, Pocatello mission, Elder Waddell left July 27, 2011 for the Alaska, Anchorage Spanish speaking mission, Elder Escobar left in August for the Massachusetts, Boston mission, and Elder Tellez left September 14, 2011 for the Mexico, Veracruz Spanish speaking mission. We are so very excited that these fine young men have chosen to serve the Lord.

Click on the dearelder link below for a great way to write our missionaries!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Elder Tellez 7-29-13 email

Hello everybody How are you all doing? I'm good. Sooooo, this past week there were some special transfers. Elder Gontes went to a different area and my new companion is Elder Montano. He is cool. He is from El Salvador. We baptized a couple this week, Armando and Miriam. I'm soooo happy. Can I sleep in the little room by the other bathroom? I'm still completely focussed on my mission, don't worry, haha. Obviously, I'm excited, who wouldn't be, haha. But for this month and a half, I will be working and giving it my all. We are going to baptize a lady this week. It is super hot right now. Everyone is getting married!!!! I'm next!!!! HAHA!!!! Time to go. I love you all.

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